
Optimol is the only adjuvant product registered to optimise performance and increase overall larval mortality as well as speed of kill with ViVUS Max, ViVUS Armigen and Fawligen.

Optimol is a molasses and crop oil-based additive that enhances the performance of ViVUS Max.

Registered Crops

All crops.


  • Independent (Queensland Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry) and in-house researchers have shown the combination of ingredients in Optimol improves ViVUS Max, ViVUS Armigen, and Fawligen efficacy.
  • Optimol is an adjuvant used to increase overall larval mortality and speed of kill.
  • In most situations, growers can achieve maximum insect control with ViVUS Max through well-timed application and adherence to label directions. However, under certain conditions, Optimol can improve insect control.

Conditions in which to use Optimol:

  • Hot (above 35°C) and dry (below 40% relative humidity) conditions during spraying.
  • Cooler conditions (<25°C) that may cause reduced larval activity and feeding.
  • High UV light conditions.
  • Targeting high larval numbers or larvae at the larger end of the recommended size spectrum for the insecticide.
  • Low volume aerial application in sorghum (down to 10 L per hectare).

Features and benefits

Improves spray coverage

  • Oil in Optimol reduces its droplet evaporation. This is valuable in hot, dry conditions and with lower volume sprays.
  • The combination of the oil and molasses components also improves droplet adherence to the plant surface.

Improves residual activity

  • The sugar in Optimol provides a stable, acidic microclimate that is more suitable for baculovirus on the plant surface.
  • The oil reduces the damage to the baculovirus caused by UV light.
  • Combined, the sugar and oil protect the baculovirus from degradation by plant chemicals in certain crops (such as pulses and cotton).

Increases initial uptake and infection

  • The molasses, sugar and oil components in Optimol greatly increase baculovirus infectivity. Researchers believe Optimol protects virus particles from inactivation by plant chemicals inside the gut of the caterpillar, and may increase larval susceptibility to NPV. Research in this area is ongoing.

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